Maybe you're logged into the wrong website?

The website which you are currently browsing is dedicated to CIC Factoring Solutions clients.

If you are a Crédit Mutuel client, we invite you to log into your dedicated Crédit Mutuel Factoring website:

Can't remember your password?

You know your identifier, but can't remember your password

You can reset it now if you have your personal information and have saved a phone number in your personal details. If not, you can choose to receive a new password by post.

Has your password been cancelled?

You know your identifier and password, but the password has been blocked

You can unblock it as long as you have saved a phone number in your personal details.

Lost your identifier?

You can't remember your identifier

You can retrieve it contacting your Client relationship manager by phone or by email.

Need assistance?

If you're having difficulties, you can contact our teams: